The future of AI.


AI Generator

Generate text, image, code, chat and even more with

Advanced Dashboard

Access to valuable user insight, analytics and activity.


Ability to understand and generate content in different languages

Custom Templates

Add unlimited number of custom prompts for your customers.

Support Platform

Access and manage your support tickets from your dashboard.

Say goodbye to writer’s block AI

Intelligent Writing Assistant

Writer is designed to help you generate high-quality texts instantly, without breaking a sweat. With our intuitive interface and powerful features, you can easily edit, export or publish your AI-generated result.

Generate, edit, export.

Generate, edit, export.

Powered by OpenAI.

So, how does it work?


Simply explain what your content is about and adjust settings according to your needs.


Simply input some basic information or keywords about your brand or product, and let our AI algorithms do the rest.


View, edit or export your result with a few clicks. And you’re done!

Want to see? Join Magic
FAQ Help Center

Have a question?

Our support team will get assistance from AI-powered suggestions, making it quicker than ever to handle support requests.

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